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Jerralyn Moudry

Jerralyn Moudry Jerralyn Moudry Communication Professor Email: jerralyn.moudry@hitchedhike.com Phone: 414.443.8572

Jerralyn Moudry


  • Ph.D. Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ph.D. Minor in Sociology, Ph.D. Minor in Human Development and Family Studies
  • M.S. Family and Consumer Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • B.A. Journalism, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Emphasis in Public Relations and Advertising, Business Certificate


My primary area of interest is broadcast media effects. I am particularly interested in how the family as a social unit is affected by the television set in their homes. Teaching at WLC has allowed me to focus on additional areas including sport and health communication. I also teach the writing for mass communication course and have the privilege of being the faculty advisor for the student newspaper, The SWORD.


  • Com 101 Introduction to Communication
  • Com 201 Introduction to Professional Communication
  • Com 203 Introduction to Mass Communication
  • Com 301 Professional Communication
  • Com 302 Writing for Mass Communication
  • Com 305 Family Communication
  • Com 315 Persuasion
  • Com 340 Health Communication
  • Com 403 Contemporary Issues in Mass Communication
  • Com 405 Sport Communication

Scholarly Works

Select Publications

Moudry, J. (2021). "Remember what Dr. Lopez said": Portrayals of mental health care in Nickelodeon's The Loud House. In Normalizing Mental Illness and Neurodiversity in Entertainment Media. (Editors: Johnson, M. and Olsen, C.) London: Routledge.

Moudry, J. (2017). “’Doc really knows her stuff’: Counter-hegemonic messages about gender in Disney Junior’s Doc McStuffins.” In Heroes, Heroines and Everything in Between: Challenging gender and sexuality stereotypes in children’s entertainment media. (Editors: Reinhardt, C.L. and Olsen, C.) New York: Lexington Books.

Schlenvogt-Dew, J., Koepsell, K., Moudry, J. et al. (2016). His Days, My Praise: Daily Devotions for Women. Milwaukee, WI: Northwestern Publishing House.

Select Presentations

Moudry, J., Gehrke, J., Jasko, S. Merceron, A., Cline, B. Sharp Penya, L., and Tatum, N. (2019) “Beyond Survival: How Communication Programs Can Set Themselves up to Thrive.” National Communication Association Convention. Milwaukee, WI.  November 14, 2019.

Moudry, J. (2018) “Assertive Femininity: Messages about Modern Girlhood in Disney’s Doc McStuffins.” Central States Communication Association Convention. Milwaukee, WI.  April 5, 2018. 

Angel, A., Gattoni, A., Italiano, R., Johnson, M., Lau, A., Moudry, J., Timmerman C.E., & Uecker, D. (2018) “Made a Difference to Me: The Importance of Mentoring in Undergraduate Education.” Central States Communication Association Convention. Milwaukee, WI.  April 6, 2018.

Moudry, J. (2017) “Representations of Florence Nightingale, Bessie Coleman and Michelle Obama in Disney Junior’s Doc McStuffins.” Central States Communication Association Convention. Minneapolis, MN.  March 16, 2017.Moudry, J. Heins, M., Hoehl, S., Lau, A., & Retberg, A. (2014) Approaches to Teaching through the Lutheran Lens in Communication Courses. Wisconsin Lutheran College. Lutheran Colleges Conference.  Milwaukee, WI.  August 11, 2014.

Moudry, J. & Lau, A. (2013) Enhancing Connections in Basic Course Learning Groups: The Impact of Full-Semester vs. Partial-Semester Learning Groups on Learning Group Identification, Cohesion and Communication in the Basic Communication Course.  National Communication Association. Washington, D.C. November 22, 2013.  Awarded one of four “Top Papers in the Basic Course Division.” 

Moudry, J. (2010). "'Sports Are Good for Kids to See': Parents' Perceptions That Televised Sports Are Consistent With Their Values." A Mirror of Our Culture: Sport and Society in America. Conference presentation. St. Norbert College: Green Bay, WI. May 28, 2010.

Moudry, J. and Kveen, L. (2008). "Service Learning: A Truly Active Tool For Exploring, Explaining and Engaging – A Student Perspective on an Assignment. Healthy Options Tosa Campaign for the Wauwatosa Wisconsin Public Health Department." Central States Communication Association Conference. Madison, WI. April 11, 2008.

Moudry, J. (2008) “Perceived Value Congruence and Family Communication Pattern as Predictors of Parental Television Mediation.” Doctoral dissertation. University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

Moudry, J. (2007). "From the big bubble to the small bubble." National Communication Association Convention. Chicago, IL. November 15, 2007.


  • Chair of School of Communicative Arts (2016-current)
  • Central States Communication Association Media Studies Interest Group (Chair 2017, Vice Chair 2016, Secretary 2015)
  • The SWORD Student Newspaper Faculty Advisor (2006-current)
  • Institutional Review Board – Behavioral Sciences (2009-current)